Doubtful Christian. It’s an oxymoron. Or is it? Christianity and doubt are more tied together than we want to admit. Most of us hesitate to acknowledge we’ve been there, but doubts force us to dig deeper and in the end may strengthen our faith.
Welcome to the Women Seeking Christ blog. We are dedicated to sharing the stories of the women of the Bible as examples and mentors, providing emotional healing and spiritual growth. Here, you can read the latest posts from author Patrice Van Dyke.
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Doubtful Christian. It’s an oxymoron. Or is it? Christianity and doubt are more tied together than we want to admit. Most of us hesitate to acknowledge we’ve been there, but doubts force us to dig deeper and in the end may strengthen our faith.
Are you disappointed in the way life turned out? God, all I wanted was (fill in the blank) Disappointment is not new to humanity. Learn how to respond from a couple of ladies from the Bible.
Rejection! No one wants to be rejected, but most of us have experienced it at some point in our lives. Jesus certainly knew the pain of rejection. Let’s learn from the Master how to respond.
Does God Care When I’m Rejected? You may be surprised that even Jesus asked this question.
Well, the Bible tells us in Romans 8:20 that God frustrated His creation so that we may have hope. Frustration is part of our fallen world. Learn how biblical characters dealt with frustration and how you can too.