Just to review, in the first part of Exodus we learned about a time when Israelites were slaves in Egypt. Moses was born into slavery at a time when the Pharaoh (leader of Egypt) ordered the death of newborn Israelite boys. His mother saved him by planning a way that encouraged Pharaoh’s daughter to adopt Moses. So he grew up in the royal palace. When he was an adult he saw how terribly his birth people (Israelites) were treated and he killed a slave master for beating an Israelite. When Pharaoh found out that Moses had killed an Egyptian he wanted to kill Moses. So Moses escaped to another country called Midian, where he became a shepherd.

Years later, God came to Moses in Midian, through a burning bush, and told Moses to go back and free the people from slavery. With God’s power, Moses freed the slaves and when they left Egypt, God parted the Red Sea so they could pass on dry land.


After the people left Egypt, God had to teach them to be a nation of people, particularly God’s people. The Ten Commandments told the people how important it was to live a moral life. He also gave them civil laws, which were rules that governed them as a society or group of people. Civil laws are like our laws to stop at a red light or not trespass on other’s property.     

The ceremonial laws told the people how to worship and gave them instructions on how to build the tabernacle, a place dedicated to God where they made sacrifices to God. The tabernacle was made so the people could take it with them when they moved throughout the desert. 

The innermost part of the tabernacle was called the Holy of Holies. God’s spirit was there along with the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark was a box covered with gold, made according to God’s instructions. The stone tablets with the Ten Commandments were inside this box.  So it was important to protect this box all the time.

The High Priest was the only person who could enter the Holy of Holies. Not even the other priests were allowed to go into this special part of the tabernacle. The High Priest only entered the Holy of Holies once a year. The other priests tied a rope around the High Priest’s waist so if He died or fainted in the Holy of Holies they could pull him out – because no one else could enter and rescue him.

The one day of the year that the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies was called the Day of Atonement. The High Priest would seek forgiveness for the people’s sins.


Leviticus outlines more laws on worshipping, which includes instructions for the priests (spiritual leaders like our pastors or ministers) and for special holidays. Holiness was an important part of this book. God told His people to stay away from individuals and situations that tempted them to do things against God’s laws. People were to live lives that were honorable. Swearing, doing drugs, getting drunk, making fun of others, bullying other kids are just some examples of a lifestyle that doesn’t honor God. Holiness is mentioned in Leviticus more than any other book of the Bible.


Numbers starts with a census (counting) of the people. Now that the people had the laws and knew how to worship, it was time to take the Promised Land named Canaan. Today that land is known as Israel.

Moses prepared the people to take the land. He sent 12 spies (one from each tribe of Israel – remember Jacob’s sons) to check out the land. Ten came back scared at how big and powerful the people were. However, two of the men (Joshua and Caleb) knew better. These two men tried to convince the people to trust God. The people believed the other ten men and even wanted to kill Joshua and Caleb.

God told the people they would never enter Canaan, since they did not trust Him. Instead, they would wander in the desert for 40 years (one year for every day the spies explored the land). The adults would die during those 40 years and then the children and grandchildren would take the land. There were two exceptions: Joshua and Caleb trusted God so they would be allowed to enter the Promised Land.

During the time before the spies went to Canaan to check out the land and during the years of wandering the people complained a lot. They complained to God and often betrayed their leader Moses. Still God took care of them by providing food. Even their clothes and shoes did not wear out during those years. (Deuteronomy 29: 5—6)


Deuteronomy is the last book of the Pentateuch, which contains the first five books of the Bible, probably most of which was written by Moses himself. These books (scrolls) contain the laws and history of the Jewish (Israelite) people. The books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Deuteronomy reviews the history and the laws, and encourages the people to remember their past and to obey God’s laws. The people were told to pass on the history and laws to all future generations. Moses knows he will soon die and tells the people he will pass on his leadership to another.

Next time we will look at the book of Joshua, who is the new leader of the Israelites. He prepares the people to take the Promised Land and this time they do! It is an exciting book.


The Ten Commandments were given by God through Moses to the people. They are reviewed in Deuteronomy 5: 6—21. I used the NLT version below. Fill in the blanks to help you learn these important commandments from God. If we obey these commands we will live righteous lives pleasing to God. Look up the verses in Deuteronomy and complete the blanks.

1. You must not have any other __________ before me. Don’t be persuaded to follow a false god or religion. Some people with tell you that Jesus isn’t God. That is not true. Buddhism worships Buddha and Hindus believe different gods watch over different aspects of their lives. Many people may try to fool you. You must learn about God so you don’t get tricked into believing something that is not true.

2. You must not make for yourself an __________ of any kind. You must not bow down to them or ___________ them. The people in the Old Testament often worshipped things made of gold or even wooden statues. We think because we don’t do that we don’t have idols. But idols are anything that is more important in our lives than God. Do you sometimes put video games, music, sports, friends, etc. before God? This is just wrong.

3. You must not ___________ the name of the LORD your God. Some versions say don’t take God’s name in vain. This means to not say OM__– even when you text! God’s name should always be spoken and written with respect.

4. Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it ___________.  The Sabbath in the Old Testament (before Jesus arose on Sunday) was on Saturday. Some people still worship on Saturday. But we can keep this commandment, by setting a day aside and go to church and learn about God. Also, spend time praising Him for all He has done.   

5. Honor your _____________ and _________________. God wants us to obey our parents and honor them all the days of our lives. We should show respect and care for them in old age. Of course, if they ask you do to something against the other laws of God (sin) we are not to obey.

6. You must not __________________. This is pretty clear. Don’t kill another person unless you are protecting yourself or someone else. Jesus even said that we shouldn’t think about getting even with people or think about hurting another person. That is hard to do, but when these thoughts come into your mind pray that God takes the thoughts from you – even pray for the person you are thinking about.

7. You must not ______________ adultery. This means to be loyal to the person you are married to (spouse) and don’t betray them with another man or woman.

8. You must not ________________. Don’t take something that is not yours. That includes small things from friends or shoplifting at a store on a lark. It is sin.

9. You must not testify _______________ against your neighbor. Don’t lie about other people. Be honest when you talk so that people will know they can trust you. Once you start to tell lies it becomes easier to lie more.

10. You must not ________________. This means don’t be jealous of what others have. Sometimes when people have nicer toys or fancier cars it is easy to wish we had those things too. Try to focus on all that God has given you and ask God to forgive you when you covet.


Dear God, Thank you for the Ten Commandments. Please help me to live my life by these laws. I want to live a life of honor that is pleasing to you. In Jesus Name, Amen.

My name is __________________________________. I am ___________ years old.  I

am walking through the Bible with ________________________________on this date



What you need: Nothing extra today.

Do your dad and mom have rules to follow? Like no cookies until after dinner or go to bed at a certain time? They don’t have these rules to make you unhappy, but to keep you safe and healthy.

Below are the Ten Commandments: important rules that God wants all of us to obey. They have been given to us to keep us safe and healthy. God knows what is best for us.

Let’s read them together.   


Thank you God for giving me the Ten Commandments. I will try to obey your rules. Amen.

My name is __________________________________. I am ___________ years old.  I

am walking through the Bible with ________________________________on this date
